Topic Wise Words

Topic Language:: PAGE #4

:: We can note for instance the general avoidance of fricatives and affricates in pidgin phonological inventories:: Serbian has a fairly extensive set of palatals and three sets of affricates:: Higher education is defined as involving programs that award bachelors master s or doctorate degrees:: It was indeed a confluence of active minds from various schools in Madurai district:: How did these women match their pitch vibrato and timbres with such precision:: :: In the minds ear one has an ideal of the perfect performance of a piece:: The extent to which this grammatical form suggests a pluperfect is disputed among Hebrew grammarians:: Lice is the plural form of louse:: :: a person wouldnt know what he should do:: Such is the case for many speakers of a minority language like Gujarati in Britain or French in provinces of Canada where francophones are in a minority:: :: A mere two months ago every Friday was a virtual smorgasbord of sarcasm for me:: Upshot was one nasal spray two weeks off nursery school constant noseblowing and operations may not be as essential to future happiness as was previously thought:: Frequent headaches may be independent but because they make you tense and you have a tendency to stammer you probably do so during a headache:: All of these womens raps illustrate that they can do what they are doing and by this I intend for both readings of the modal can to be in effect:: It is told in the high formal style filled with rhetorical speeches invocations elaborate similes and long catalogues of names places and armies:: :: :: Its not just the lyrics that are palindromes but the music is the same backwards as it is forwards as well:: The beauty of this one is that its a little rhyming verse or at least nicely assonant :: What I resolutely oppose is an unreflected resentment that offers no prospect for creativity or initiative and contents itself with truistic descriptions of a necessarily inconsistent world:: After 20 years in the Senate he has developed a meandering circumlocutory speaking style:: I began watching him paint amazed by the way he made the paintbrush glide over the paper leaving the once blank spot alive with color:: Hes using exaggeration and hyperbole to be entertaining lots of writers do that:: Everything should have asterisks and footnotes
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